The Time Travellers - Library
If you would like to borrow a book / books please contact a member of the committee :
John Baker - Chairman - [email protected] 0114 2369025 07811 614727
Dorne Coggins - Secretary - [email protected] 0114 3271054 07816 505838
Glynn Burgin - Treasurer - [email protected] 0114 2366147 07825 137101
Robert Allcroft - [email protected] 0114 2620219 07583 235957
Nigel Dakin - [email protected] 0114 2815182 07956 988726
Alan Stewart - [email protected] 0114 2360724 07906 958807
Catalogue of library books
archaeology principle / theory / practice / techniques
local Sheffield and District
regional Yorkshire / Derbyshire
national England / Scotland / Wales / Ireland / Isles of Scilly
international outside Great Britain
stone age
bronze age
iron age
surnames - family surnames / clans / tribes
LOC.001 Central Sheffield Through Time
TUFFREY Tuffrey PeterAmberley Publishing 2011 paperback Sheffield / photographs
LOC.002 Pocket Book of Sheffield : a guide to discovering the City’s story
MACHAN Machan Peter ALD Design and Print 2010 paperback Sheffield / history
LOC.010 Parish Registers of Sheffield Vol VI 1720 - 1736
OWEN Owen W S and Walton Mary eds Yorkshire Archaeological Society 1981 hardback Sheffield / parish registers
LOC.011 Sheffield in Tudor and Stuart Times
BOTWICK Botwick David Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust 2004 paperback Sheffield / Tudor / Stuart
LOC.020 Geophysical Survey at Whirlow Hall Farm Sheffield
DURKIN Durkin Richard ARS Ltd 2016 report hardback Whirlow / geophysical survey
LOC.021 Fieldwalking at Whirlow Hall Farm Sheffield 2016
WADDING Waddington Clive ARS Ltd 2016 paperback Whirlow / fieldwalking Sheffield / history
LOC.030 Archaeological Survey Report :
ASL Land behind Ulley Hall Farm Ulley Sheffield South Yorkshire Archaeological Services Ltd
English Archaeology Series report no 2014004 2014 paperback Ulley Hall Farm / Ulley / Sheffield South / Yorkshire
LOC.050 Manor Lodge Guide Book
MACHAN Machan Peter ALD Design and Print 2010 paperback booklet Sheffield / Manor Lodge / history
LOC.060 Historic Personages in Sheffield from Waltheof to Wolsey
ODAM Odom W Canon William Townsend & Sons 1927 hardback Sheffield / medieval / personages
LOC.070 The Story of the People’s College Sheffield 1842 - 1878
MOORE Moore Smith G C compiled by Northend 1912 hardback Sheffield / education / institutions / founders / history
REG.001 Recent Developments in the Archaeology of the Peak District
HODGES Hodges Richard and Smith Ken ed J R Collis Publications Department of Archaeology and Prehistory University of Sheffield 1991
Hardback Peak District / archaeology
REG.002 Sign Posts to the Peak : Place Names in the Heart of England
GELLING Gelling Margaret J M Dent 1978 paperback Peak District / place names
REG.003 The Peak Country : painted by W Biscombe Gardner
HOPE described by A R Hope Moncrieff Hope Moncrieff A R Adam & Charles Black 1908 hardback Peak Country / geography /
examples (Kinderscout etc)
REG.004 Gem of the Peak
ADAM Adam William Moorland Reprints reprint of 5th ed of 1851 with new introduction and bibliography by T D Ford 1973 hardback
Peak District / Matlock Bath and vicinity / Derby / Matlock / places of interest
REG.005 Archaeology in the Peak District : a guide to the region’s prehistory
BRAMWE Bramwell D Moorland Publishing Co 1973 paperback Peak District /stone age / Bronze Age / iron Age / locations of sites
REG.006 The King’s England : Derbyshire
MEE A new Doomsday Book of 10,000 Towns and Villages Mee Arthur ed Hodder and Stoughton 1st edition 1937 5th impression 1949
hardback Derbyshire / towns / villages
REG.007 Early Settlement in Derbyshire
WHITAKER Whitaker P D A Dalesman Paperback 1974 paperback Derbyshire / landscape / hunters and gatherers / farmers /
metal workers / gazetteer of sites / Bronze Age / Celt / Roman / Anglo-Saxon / Danish
REG.008 The Buildings of England : Derbyshire
PEVSNER Pevsner Nikolaus Penguin Books 1953 paperback Derbyshire / architecture / history / villages
REG.009 The Peacock Inn Chesterfield
BOURNE Bourne Patricia Courtney Terry Dixon Philip Derbyshire Archaeological Journal Vol XCVIII 1978 paperback
Peacock Inn / Chesterfield / survey / history
REG.010 Farms and Families of Hathersage Outseats :
MEREDITH from the 13th to 19th century Part I Meredith Rosamund Eastland Press Ltd 1981 paperback
Nether Hurst / North Lees / Brookfield / Green’s House / Cowclose Farm
REG.011 Farms and Families of Hathersage Outseat
MEREDITH from the 13th to 19th century Part II Meredith Rosamund Eastland Press Ltd 1983 paperback Gatehouse / Upper Hirst / Thorpe /
Birley / The Hill / The Old Road from Sheffield to Hope Hathersage Outseats / farms / families
REG.030 Essays on Northern History in Honour of Maurice W Beresford
CHALLIS Challis C E Forest G C F Green S J D School of History University of Leeds Volume XXXVII Northern History 2000 paperback essays
/ Northumbria / Yorkshire
REG.031 Early Landscape from the Air : Studies of Crop Marks in South
RILEY Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire Riley D N University of Sheffield 1980 hardback archaeology / landscape / aerial
photography / crop marks
REG.032 Aspects of Rotherham : Discovering Local History
JONES Jones Melvyn ed Wharncliffe Publishing Ltd 1995 paperback Rotherham + district / history / buildings / industry
REG.090 Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbook 1931-2
RAMBLE Ramblers Sheffield Clarion Sheffield Clarion Ramblers 1932 paperback Peak District / sites / walks
REG.091 Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbook 1953-4
RAMBLE Ramblers Sheffield Clarion Sheffield Clarion Ramblers 1954 paperback Peak District / sites / walks
REG.092 Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbook 1954-5
RAMBLE Ramblers Sheffield Clarion Sheffield Clarion Ramblers 1955 paperback Peak District / sites / walks
REG.093 Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbook 1955-6
RAMBLE Ramblers Sheffield Clarion Sheffield Clarion Ramblers 1956 paperback Peak District / sites / walks
REG.094 Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbook 1956-7
RAMBLE Ramblers Sheffield Clarion Sheffield Clarion Ramblers 1957 paperback Peak District / sites / walks
REG.095 Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbook 1957-8
RAMBLE Ramblers Sheffield Clarion Sheffield Clarion Ramblers 1958 paperback Peak District / sites / walks
NAT.001 Historical Atlas of Britain
FALKUS Falkus Malcolm and Gilling John gen eds Kingfisher Books1981 rev 1987 reprint 1989 hardback Britain / history / atlas
/ England / Britain and Europe / industry
NAT.002 Handbook of British Chronology
POWICKE Powicke F M (ed) with Johnson Charles and Harte W J Offices of the Royal Historical Society 1939 hardback Britain
/ chronology / rulers / offers of state
NAT.003 Historical Atlas of Britain
FALKUS Falkus Malcolm and Gilling John gen eds Kingfisher Books1981 rev 1987 reprint 1989 hardback Britain / history / atlas
/ England / Britain and Europe / industry
NAT.004 Guide to Prehistoric England
THOMAS Thomas Nicholas Book Club Associates 1976 hardback England / prehistory / gazetteer
NAT.005 Prehistoric Britain
DARVILL Darvill Timothy B T Batsford Ltd London 1987 reprint 1993 paperback Britain / prehistory / farming / religion
NAT.006 British Prehistoric Rock Art
BECKEN Beckensall Stan Tempus Publishing Ltd 1999 paperback Britain / rock art / symbols and motifs / panels / development
of study / art in landscape / context
NAT.007 Ice Age Britain
BARTON Barton Nick English Heritage & Batsford 2005 2nd edition paperback Ice age / Britain
NAT.008 Archaeology of The British Isles : with a Gazetteer of Sites in England
HAYES Wales Scotland and Ireland Harper Collins Publishers 1992 paperback Britain / gazetteer of sites
NAT.009 Archaeological Sites of Britain
CLAYTON Clayton Peter Book Club Associates 1976 hardback Britain / topography / gazetteer of archaeological site
NAT.010 The Archaeology of Britain :
HUNTER An Introduction from the Upper Paleolithic to the Industrial Revolution Hunter John, Ralston Ian Routledge 1999 paperback
archaeology / Britain / history
NAT.011 Archaeology of the British Isles :
HAYES with a gazetteer of sites in England / Wales /Scotland and Ireland Hayes Andrew B. T. Batsford Ltd (London) 1993 paperback Britain / archaeology / history/ gazetteer
NAT.012 The Time Team Guide to the Archaeological Sites of Britain
TAYLOR and Ireland Taylor Tim Transworld Publications and Channel 4 Books 2005 hardback archaeological sites / background / Time
NAT.013 The Ultimate Time Team Companion : An Alternative History of Britain
TAYLOR Taylor Tim Channel 4 Books 1999 paperback history / Britain / Time Team
NAT.014 A Guide to the Prehistoric and Roman Monuments in
HAWKES England and Wales Hawkes Jaquetta Abacus Chatto & Windus Ltd 1951 rev ed 1973 paperback Britain / prehistoric / Roman
NAT.020 The Making of the English Landscape
HOSKINS Hoskins W G Book Club Associates 1955 re ed 1977 hardback England / landscape / settlement / medieval / Black Death /
Tudor / enclosure / Industrial Revolution / towns
NAT.021 Local History in England
HOSKINS Hoskins W G Longman 3rd edition 2nd impression 1985 paperback England / history / local / research techniques
NAT.022 English Villages
BLUNDEN Blunden Edmund Britain in Pictures Turner W J (gen ed) William Collins of London 2nd edition reprint 1942 hardback
English / villages / history
NAT.023 Archaeology Economy and Society :
HINTON England from the fifth to the fifteenth century Hinton David A Seaby 1990 paperback England / history / 5- 15th centuries
NAT.024 Illustrated English Social History : 3 TREVELY Trevelyen G M Pelican Books N/D 3rd volume hardback England / social history
/Defoe / Dr Johnston Scotland / history (beginning and end 18 century)
NAT.025 SIgnposts to the Past : Place Names and the History of England
GELLING Gelling Margaret J M Dent & Sons Ltd 1978 reprint 1979 hardback England / language / place names / boundaries / meeting
NAT.026 Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England
DIXON Dixon James Henry Bell Robert Ed Charles Griffin and Co N / D hardback English / peasantry / poems / ballads / songs
NAT.027 Family History and Local History in England
HEY Hey David Longman Group 1967 paperback England / local / history / family history
NAT.040 Archaeology and Environment on the North Sea Littoral
WADDING A case study from Low Hauxsley Waddington Clive and Bonsall Clive ARS Ltd 2016 paperback archaeology / environment
/ North Sea / Low Hauxley
NAT.041 Industrial Archaeology Wayland Regional Studies : The Midlands
BOOTH Booth Geoffrey Wayland Publications London N/D paperback Midlands / mineral wealth / metals / textiles and leather /
mills and factories
NAT.042 Prehistoric Avebury
BURL Burl Aubrey Yale University in association with The National Trust 1979 paperback Britain Avebury / destruction / excavation
/ building / purpose
NAT.043 Excavations in Poole 1973 - 1982
HORSEY Horsey Ian P Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society 1992 paperback Dorset / Poole / excavations
NAT.044 Devon Archaeology No 1
DEVON Devon Archaeological Society Devon Print Group for Devon Archaeological Society 1983 paperback Devon / Exeter /
National Trust archaeological properties / Buckfast Abbey / North Devon Pottery / Kent’s Cavern / Plymouth
NAT.045 Archaeology in Devon Annual Report No 5 1981 - 1982
DEVON Devon County Council plus contributors Devon County Council 1982 paperback Devon / archaeology / places to visit / museums
NAT.046 The Parliamentary Survey of the Duchy of Cornwall Part II :
NORMAN Isles of Scilly - Weston Antry and Manors in Devon Norman J G ed Devon + Cornwall Record Society New Series Vol 27
paperback The Devonshire Press Ltd 1984 Isles of Scilly / Devon / history / index of place names / personal names / subject
NAT.047 Antiquities of the Cornish Countryside : A Field Guide to Cornwall’s
Tor Mark Tor Mark Press N/D paperback introduction / Stone Age henges / megaliths / Bronze Age / Iron Age
NAT.050 Scilly’s Building Heritage :
MADDEN Guide to the most interesting buildings including a gazetteer Madden Peter Twelveheads Press 1996 paperback Isles of Scilly
/ buildings / places / gazetteer
NAT.051 Isles of Scilly Survey
RUSSELL Russell Vivian Isles of Scilly Museum and Institute of Cornish Studies 1st ed 1980 paperback Isles of Scilly / Nomour / site
/ Roman / Bronze Age / brooches
NAT.052 Ancient Monuments of Isles of Scilly :
O’NEIL Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings Ministry of Works Official Guide Book O’Neil B H St J Her Majesty’s Stationery
Office 1961 paperback Isles of Scilly / monuments / Stone Age / Bronze Age / Iron Age / Roman / Middle Ages
NAT.053 Normour
BUTCHER Butcher Sarnia Isles of Scilly Museum Publication No 7 rev ed inc excavations 1969 - 1973 N/D paperback Isles of Scilly
/description / prehistoric settlement / Roman / brooches and other objects
NAT.054 The Brochs of Mousa and Clickhimin Shetland :
CRUDEN Official Guide (HMSO) Cruden Stewart Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1951 paperback Shetland / introduction / description
NAT.055 Jarlshop Shetland : Official Guide (HMSO)
HAMILTON Hamilton J R C Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1952 paperback Shetland description / history
NAT.056 Orkney : Official Guide (HMSO)
MARWICH Marwich Hugh Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1952 paperback Orkney / sites
NAT.057 Skara Brae Orkney : Official Guide (HMSO)
CHILDE Childe Gordon V Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1950 paperback Orkney / Skara Brae / excavations / history / description
NAT.060 The Breiddin Hillfort :
MUSSON A later Pre-historic Settlement in the Welsh Marches CBA Research Report No 76 Musson C R with Britnell W J and
Smith A G Council for British Archaeology 1991 CADW Historic Monuments paperback Wales / hillfort / excavation / finds
/ environmental studies
NAT.061 Prehistoric and Roman Wales :
WHEELER Wheeler R E M National Survey Committee London N/D paperback Wales / prehistory / Roman / sites / culture
NAT.062 Fairweather Eden : Life in Britain half a million years ago as revealed
POTTS by excavation at Boxgrove Potts Michael and Roberts Mark Arrow Books Ltd. Random House 1998 paperback Britain / Stone
Age / Boxgrove / Buckland / excavation / finds
NAT.063 The Archaeology of Dartmoor : An Introduction
DART Dartmoor National Park Department Dartmoor National Park Department 1978 paperback Dartmoor / archaeology / sites
/ farming / industry / travel
NAT.064 An Archaeological Guide to Epping Forest
BROOKS Brooks R T and Fulcher E A Conservators of Epping Forest (Corporation of the City of London) 1979 paperback Epping Forest
/ history / sites of interest
NAT.065 Pining Down the Past : Finds from a Hendon Dig
SAMMES Sammes Edward Hendon and District Archaeological Society 1986 paperback Hendon / history / sites
NAT.066 Time Team’s Time Chester : A Companion to Archaeology
LEWIS Lewis Carenza Harding Phil Aston Mick Channel 4 Books 2000 hardback archaeology / background / Time Team
NAT.067 Sleaford : South Lincolnshire Archaeology : 3
MAHANY Mahany Christine and Roffe David South Lincolnshire Archaeology Unit 1979 paperback Sleaford / Archaeology / origins
/ topography / growth / excavation
NAT.068 The Archaeology of the M11 Motorway in Essex 1970 - 78
MAHANY Robertson Ian G M11 Archaeology Committee with Essex County Council 1976 paperback Essex / M11 Motorway / archaeology
/ description
NAT.080 Mary Queen of Scots in Captivity 1569 - 1584
LEADER John Daniel Leader & Sons 1880 hardback Mary Queen of Scots
NAT.081 Mary Queen of Scots
FRASER Fraser Antonia Panther Books 1969 reprinted 1970 paperback Mary Queen of Scots / biography
NAT.082 The Queens and the Hive
SITWELL Sitwell Edith Macmillan and Co Ltd 1963 hardback english / queens / biography
NAT.090 The Pursuit of Urban History : The City as a Work of Art
OLSEN Donald J N/P N/D paperback city / development / buildings
NAT.091 Clay Tobacco Pipes
AYTO Ayto Eric G Shire Publications 2002 paperback clay / tobacco / pipes
INT.001 The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History
McEVEDY McEvedy Colin Penguin Books 1967 reprint 1983 paperback history / atlas / chronology
INT.002 A Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece
MORKOT Morkot Robert Penguin Books 1996 paperback Greece / ancient / atlas / history / Crete / Mycenae / Athens / Persia / Alexandria
INT.010 The Standing Stones of Europe : A Guide to the Great Megalithic
SERVICE Monuments Service Alaister and Bradbery Jean Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1st edition 1979 revised edition 1993 new edition
1996 paperback Europe / standing stones
INT.030 BC : The Archaeology of the Bible Lands
MAGNUS Magnusson Magnus The Bodley Head and British Broadcasting Corporation 1977 hardback Bible Lands / archaeology / history
INT.040 Biskupin : ein polnisker Pompeiji
MAGNUS Jaskinis Jan Stadtliches Archaelogisches Museum Warschau 1985 paperback Biskupin / site / description
please note - German text
ARCH.001 The Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology
BRAY Bray Warwick and Trump David Penguin Books 1970 paperback archaeology / dictionary
ARCH.002 Collins Dictionary of Archaeology
BAHN Bahn Paul (ed) Harper Collins Publishers 1992 paperback archaeology / dictionary / terminology
ARCH.010 Archaeology : What it is, where it is and how to do it
WILKINS Wilkinson Paul Archaeopress 2007 paperback archaeology / theory / practice
ARCH.011 Field Archaeology : An Introduction
DREWITT Drewett Pete Routledge 1999 reprint 2003 paperback field archaeology
ARCH.012 Archaeology : Theory Methods and Practice
RENFREW Renfrew Colin and Bahn Paul Thames and Hudson Ltd London 1991 reprint 1994 paperback archaeology / nature / aims
/ history / survey / excavation / dating / analysis
ARCH.013 Field Guide to Archaeology
WOOD Wood Eric S with an introduction by Wheeler Sir Mortimer Collins 1963 reprint 1964 hardback archaeology / background
/ landscape / settlements / monuments / artifacts / techniques
ARCH.014 Techniques of Archaeological Excavation
BARKER Barker Philip 1 Routledge 3rd edition 1993 paperback 2 B T Batsford Ltd London 1977 reprint 1987 archaeological / techniques
/ excavation
ARCH.015 Unravelling the Landscape : An Inquisitive Approach to Archaeology
BOWDEN Bowden Mark ed Tempus Publishing Ltd 1999 paperback landscape / archaeology
ARCH.016 Into the Sun:
KENNEDY Essays in Aerial Photography in Archaeology in honour of Derrick Riley Kennedy David ed J R Collis Publications University
of Sheffield 1989 hardback archaeology / landscape / aerial photography
ARCH.017 Artifacts : An Introduction for Archaeologists and Historians
HODGES Hodges Henry Humanities Press 1981 reprint (1964) paperback artefacts / materials / techniques / examination
ARCH.018 The Discovery of the Past : The Origins of Archaeology
SCHNAPP Schnapp Alain British Museum Press 1999 paperback archaeology / development / historic sources / antiquarian
ARCH.019 Site Research for Detectorist Field Walkers and Archaeologists
VILLANEVA Villaneuva DavidGreenlight Publishing 2006 paperback archaeology / techniques
ARCH.020 The Joy of Flint : An Introduction to Stone Tools and Guide to the
WADDING Museum of Antiquities Collection Waddington Clive Museum of Antiquities University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2004
paperback flint + stone tools - manufacture / categorisation
ARCH.021 The Basics of Lithic Technology :
LORD The Nature and Subsequent Uses of Flint Vol I Lord John W Lord John W 1993 paperback archaeology / flints / geology
/ terminology / techniques
ARCH.050 Understanding Ancient Coins : An Introduction for Archaeologists
CASEY and Historians Casey John B T Batsford Ltd 1986 paperback coins / iconography / record of hoards / economic history
/ recording
ARCH.070 The Great Archaeologists
FAGAN Fagan Brian ed Thames and Hudson 2014 hardback archaeologists / discovery / excavation /analysis
ARCH.080 Archaeological resources handbook for teachers
CORBISH Corbishley M J ed Council for British Archaeology 1983 paperback archaeological resources / teachers / books / museums
/ AV / careers / archaeological societies
STO.001 Secrets of the Stone Age : A Prehistoric Journey with Richard Rudgley
RUDGLEY Rudgley Richard Random House 2000 hardback Stone Age / temples / life and death / hunters / cave painting
/ neanderthal man
STO.002 Grimes Graves Norfolk
CLARKE Clarke Rainbird R HMSO 1963 paperback Norfolk / flint mines / history / miners / axe trade
NEA.001 The Neanderthals : Changing the Image of Mankind
TRINKAUS Trinkaus Erik and Shipman Pat Random House Pimlico Editions 1994 paperback Jonathan Cape 1st ed 1994
paperback archaeology / neandertals
BRO.001 Bronze Age Britain
PEARSON Pearson Michael Parker B T Batsford / English Heritage 1993 paperback Bronze Age / Britain
IRO.001 Iron Age Society in Wales and the Marches and the effects
JONES upon it of Romanisation up to the time of Hadrian Jones Myfanwy Lloyd thesis 1977 hardback Wales / Marches / Iron Age
/ Roman
CEL.001 Celtic Britain : Ancient Peoples and Places Vol 103
CHARLES Thomas Charles gen ed and Daniel Glyn Thames and Hudson Ltd London 1986 hardback Britain / Celtic / Scotland / Wales
/ church / monastery / art
CEL.002 The Celts : Ancient Peoples and Places Vol 6
POWELL Powell T G E rev Piggott Stuart copy 1 Thames and Hudson Ltd London 1958 new ed 1980 reprint 1985 hardback Celts / life
/ beliefs / art / artifacts
CEL.003 The Celts : Ancient Peoples and Places Vol 6
POWELL Powell T G E rev Piggott Stuart copy 2 Thames and Hudson Ltd London 1958 new ed 1980 reprint 1985 paperback Celts / life
/ beliefs / art / artifacts
CEL.004 Holy Places of Celtic Britain : A Photographic Portrait of Sacred Albion
SHARP Sharp Mick Blandford A Cassell Imprint 1997 hardback Britain / Celts / sites / beliefs
CEL.011 Exploring the World of the Druids
GREEN Green Miranda J Thames and hudson Imprint 1997 paperback Celts / Druids / beliefs / places
ROM.001 Roman Britain 55BC - AD400 : The Province Beyond Ocean
TODD The Fontana History of England Todd Malcolm Elton G R gen ed Fontana Paperbacks 1981 paperback Britain / Roman /
conquest / history
ROM.002 A Companion to Roman Britain
CLAYTON Clayton Peter ed Phaidon 1980 hardback Britain / Roman / organisation / people / Christianity / economy / industry / gazetteer
ROM.003 Roman Britain
RICHMOND The Pelican History of England Richmond I A rev by Todd Malcolm Pelican 1955 3rd ed 1995 paperback Britain / Roman /
military / history / urban centres / rural settlement/ society / economy /religion
ROM.004 Roman Britain : Life at the Edge of the Empire
HOBBS Hobbs Richard and Jackson Ralph The British Museum Press 2010 paperback Britain / Roman / invasion / army / language
/ farmers / craftsmen / traders / life in town and country / health / religion
ROM.005 Conquest : The Roman Invasion of Britain
PEDDLE Peddle John Bramley Books 1987 hardback Britain / Roman / army /invasion / battles
ROM.006 Roman Britain : Outpost of the Empire
SCULLA Scullard H H Thanes and Hudson 1979 1986 reprint 1997 paperback
Roman / Britain / Celts / conquest / occupation / defence / administration / life
ROM.020 Hadrians Wall : A Souvenir Guide to the Roman Wall
BREEZE Breeze David J English Heritage N / D hardback Roman / Hadrian’s Wall
ROM.021 Hadrians Wall : An Illustrated Guide BIRLEY R Birley A R H M Stationary Office 1963 paperback Hadrians Wall / guide / history
ROM.022 Discoveries at Vindolanda
BIRLEY R Birley Robin Frank Graham (publisher) 2nd ed 1975 with revisions paperback Vindolanda / artifacts
ROM.023 Housesteads : Roman Fort and Civilian Settlement
BIRLEY R Birley Robin MA FSA Frank Graham 1973 2nd edition 1976 paperback Roman / Housesteads / history / layout / army
ROM.024 Housesteads : Roman Fort
BIRLEY E Birley Eric MBE MA FSA Department of the Environment Official Handbook London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
/ National Trust 1936 Tenth Imp 1975 paperback Roman / Housesteads / site / history / layout
ROM.025 Chesters Roman Fort Northumberland
BIRLEY E Birley Eric MBE MA FSA London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1960 Ninth Imp 1976 paperback Roman / Chesters / site
/ history / layout
ROM.026 Corbridge Roman Station Northumberland
BIRLEY E Birley Eric MBE MA FSA London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office First Pub 1935 Twelfth Imp 1975 paperback Roman / Corbridge
/ site / history / layout
ROM.027 Roman Vindolanda Official Guide 1977
BIRLEY R Birley Robin MA FSA Barcombe Publications and Design 1977 paperback Roman / Vindolanda / site / history / layout / artifacts
ROM.028 A Short Guide to the Roman Wall
COLLING Collingwood R G rev by Richmond Ian E 6th ed Andrew Reid and Conway Limited 1950 2nd Imp 1960 paperback Roman
/ Hadrians Wall / history / description / guide
ROM.029 Roman Archaeology in Wales : A Tribute to V E Nash-Williams
WHEELER Wheeler Sir Mortimer Broadcast in Welsh Home Service of the BBC on 30 January 1957 and arranged in conjunction
with Cardiff Scientific Society 1957 British Broadcasting Corporation 1957 .paperback Roman / Wales / archaeology
ROM.040 The Roman Road Project
INGLIS Inglis D H University of Sheffield 2016 paperback Roman roads / Sheffield
ROM.041 The Roman Riverside Wall and Monumental Arch in London :
DYSON Excavations at Baynards Castle Upper Thames Street London 1974-76 Dyson Tony (ed) Hill Charles Mellet Martin Blagg
Thomas London and Middlesex Archaeological Society 2080 paperback Roman / London / walls / arch / excavation / reports
ROM.042 Third Report on the Excavations of the Site of the Roman Town at Wroxeter Shropshire 1914
ABDY Abdy Richard Anthony Shire Publications Ltd Shire Archaeology Series No 82 2002 paperback Roman / Wroxeter / excavation
/ report
ROM.043 Reculver Kent : Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings
MINISTRY Ministry of Public Buildings and Works HMSO N/D paperback Kent / Reculver / history
ROM.044 Richborough Castle Kent : Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings
BUSHE-FOX Bushe-Fox J P HMSO 1955 reprint 1970 paperback Kent / Richborough / list / description
ROM.050 Romano - British Coins Hoards
ABDY Bushe-Fox Jocelyn Plunket Fredrick Hall for the Society of 1916 paperback Romano-British / coins / hoards / materials
/ museums
ROM.051 Roman Coinage in Britain
CASEY Casey P J Shire Publications Ltd Shire Archaeology 1980 paperback Roman / coins / Britain / sites / hoards
ROM.070 Roman Art
D’AMBRA D’Ambra Eve Cambridge University Press 1998 paperback Roman / art / empire / society / city / portraiture / dwelling
ROM.080 Verulamium : Official Guide
ILID Ilid Anthony English Life Publications Ltd 1st ed 1938 1956 paperback Roman / Verulamium / site / excavations
ROM.090 Glanum : Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historique des Sites Saint-Remy-de-Provence
SALVIAT Salviat Francois Les Editions du Temps 1963 paperback Roman / Glanum / site note - text in French
MED.001 Exploratory Excavations within a Monastic Precinct :
MUSTY Waltham Abbey 1972 Musty A E S Waltham Abbey Historical Society 1972 paperback Britain / Waltham Abbey /
topography / excavations / site description / conclusions
MED.002 Life in a Medieval Street : Excavations on Alms Lane Norwich 1976
ATKIN Atkin Malcolm and Margeson Sue Norwich Survey Centre for East Anglian Studies University of East Anglia 1985
paperback Norwich / excavations / chronological development / life
VIC.001 The Government of Victorian London :
OWEN The Metropolitan Board of Works, the Vestries and the City Corporation Owen D Harvard University Press 1982 paperback
London / Victorian / government
SUR.001 The Origins of English Surnames
REANEY Reaney P H Paul and Keegan Paul 1st pub 1967 5th imp 1978 paperback surnames / language
SUR.002 The History of British Surnames
McKINLEY McKinley R A ed Longman Group UK Ltd 1990 paperback British / surnames / origins / history
SUR.003 Oxford Dictionary of English Surnames
REANEY Reaney P H, Wilson R M Oxford University Press 2005 3rd edition (with corrections and additions by Wilson)
paperback English / surnames / dictionary
SUR.004 Family Names and Family History
HEY Hey David Hambledon & London 2000 hardback family names / history / origins / tracing
SUR.005 The Origins of One Hundred Sheffield Surnames
HEY Hey David The University of Sheffield 1992 paperback Sheffield / surnames / origins
SUR.020 The Scottish Clans & their Tartans
JOHNSTON Johnston W & A K G W Bacon Ltd Edinburgh & London 1st printed c1896 38th ed 1955 hardback Scotland /
clans / history
SUR.021 Scottish Surnames : A Guide to the Family Names of Scotland
DORWOOD Dorwood David Harper Collins Publishing 1995 paperback Scotland / surnames / guide
SUR.030 The Surnames of Ireland
MacLYSA MacLysaght Edward Irish Academic Press 1978 3rd edition 2nd impression paperback
Irish / surnames / technical terms / location / history /dictionary